Pokemon Gen 8 Starter Final Evolutions Concept Art Leak

It's been most a week now, and this nevertheless has still to exist officially deconfirmed. I'm starting to recollect Faecoco is legit.


Do we count it as a win for zodiac due to its horns?


It's better than Fuecoco, so that'southward a plus. Still not going to pick it.


its existent, blueish tall diglett and quaxly evo were made by someone else. ameliorate become your screencaps set up


Based and hilarious if legit. I won't be putting money on it but def plausible at least.


Male crocs are called bulls, and starters are mostly male person so...


it'due south real, i take a 6th sense for this shit
i called information technology on the gen 7 trio too


If your calling the hairpiece horns plural you gotta get your eyes checked mate.


I thought it was inconclusive, merely I see in the (1) image information technology'southward not on both sides, so I got baited.


Gen i: Dragon!
Gen 9: Here'south another dragon!
Fanbase: Look.... huh?


It's a fairy.


A fairy dragon


AKTUALLY it'southward fire/fairy/dragon


If it's existent, I'1000 definitely picking Fuecoco on my starting time playthrough, potential fire/fairy typing and top-tier blueprint is too proficient to refuse . If not, I'll get with Quaxly and weep over what could have been.


If it's real, and then water birb is also real, which means I'yard picking grass kitty.


Water birb ain't related to it though, but some autist trying to piggy back. That said its probably going to be the worst one cause man it own't got anywhere to go.




different artists


A lot of male animals are called bulls..it'due south like the most common name for males of a species
If gamefreak had zodiac intentions they would've simply designed a bull, not a completely different animal with a vague tie to the characterization of 'bull' which too vaguely ties together many other animals


Merely because information technology oasis't been deconfirmed doesn't mean it'south non obviously fake, you fucking imbecile, you lot fucking retard, y'all fucking shit for brains.


LMFAO its a shitpost dude


Omg I read this comment in Gordon Ramsay's vocalisation LOL anyone else?


Shitposts are meant to be witty
Maybe practice a fleck more earlier joining our forum


Here you go ;)


I'm however beingness very cautious for obvious reasons, but when a lot of the arguments against it hinge on "there's no back view" it does seem pretty damn convention. At minimum, real or false, they absolutely nailed the design.


This is just Garfield but green..leakers are getting and so lazy


It'southward obviously fake, as somebody pointed out in that location's no dorsum view in the reference sheet and starter themes always evolve more than than this.


LMFAO this turbo autist for real?




I dunno what y'all mean starter themes evolve more than than this, going from a tiny croc to a butterfly fairy dragon croc seems a big step up in theming to me.


Politeness goes a long way if yous desire to go far on this forum. Just my communication


Fuecoco is a pepper crocodile


nah his concluding evo form proper noun is fourloco.


And the design seems to exist based off of a mythological creature from Spain named Cocollona that is a crocodile-like animate being with butterfly wings.


>It goes from a croc to a bigger croc with fairy wings taped on
Look at Incineroar going from a business firm true cat to a heel wrestler or sobble turning into a spy, they're Difficult changes to the theme.


Not always actually. In the Johto games the fire starter evolves into quite a similar Pokémon
I recommend checking the games out sometime since you seem unfamiliar with them, they're actually fun!


Gen two was xx years ago lol, pattern philosophy changed since then. The duck is the only one that will probably stick to its very obvious theme.


Ah has it? I'm non familiar with the modernistic games


Hi Meghan, where take you lot been?


I had a couple of days away from my responsibilities here for a little 'me' time with my friends :) feeling very refreshed - lovely to become out of the city and into the countryside for a bit
How've you been?


"IS Information technology REAL BROS"



I originally thought this had a decent hazard of being real but now I'm convinced it'south a fake. It's really well done, the art is a fantastic mimic of pokemon fine art, just the blueprint is too good imo.


>OH ho! Someone else is getting the attention I was looking for when I decided to cutting off my d*ck. Reeeeee !


Yeah, and this evo'southward tail looks similar a pepper


We hadn't had a thread on in for similar 3ish days chill lmfao. Don't open it if you lot ain't wanna see repetitive comments


I bet this is fake.


No false leaks ever have this kind of left field arroyo, it's definitely existent. It'due south also the first starter evo I've liked in a long time.


Typhlosion is literally the simply case where the Fire starter doesn't undergo some major modify. It'due south absolutely the exception, not the dominion. Ordinarily Fire starters keep a lot of traits and colors from the first form, merely gain major new attributes on height of them. Faecoco absolutely fits the mutual trend.


So why is it simply this one? This person should have them all

The numbers are suspicious since theres no translation notes at the lesser which is what those numbers denote


information technology's a win for the zodiac because information technology's a dragon


Oh no not you over again



Information technology's simulated


Mint an NFT of the dragon and run into how quickly the artist comes out of the woodwork.






They are horns and he is a bull.


>fag hair


Information technology has horns you blind tranny


Idk why but this made me laugh out loud


>officially deconfirmed
Not how this works faggot. Burden of proof is on the """""leaker"""""





My theory is that this was leaked either from the translator or mayhap the art book publisher, not the gamefreak offices, and they withal oasis't completed the page layouts.

Or it's bullshit. I don't know, if it's imitation I'll still be impressed about how they nailed the style.


>officially deconfirmed
The only matter that could ever practise that would be if someone stepped forward with proof they drew it.
But at that place's been plenty of holes pointed out in information technology that put it in the "false" end for me.
>Just 2 "detailed" pose drawings and they're at the same exact bending, when the folio itself completely lacks a back shot every other concept art we accept has
>Has TL number markers on it when those are simply for the translated artbooks, withal it's trying to sell it as a japanese source
>They oasis't given us any pokemon concept pages through all of Gen eight despite giving united states enough of trainer concept pages merely they decide to change that for gen 9 and it immediately leaks?
>Even if it was for an artbook, information technology is missing a number on the "Flap flap" sound when the artbook TL notes almost always include onomatopoeia TLs also.

Literally all this has going for it is that it's drawn competently. The person'southward at least good at drawing Pokemon in the mod fashion. But they're clearly lacking in the context and standards section that Pokemon operates in.

And earlier some faggot goes ">IMPLYING POKEMON HAS STANDARDS" they at the very to the lowest degree have clear requirements for their concept pages and this doesn't meet them.


A leak can only be deconfirmed by the a fake leaker or be confirmed past a later official release.
A real leaker doesn't have to evidence their leak is real. We have to notice it ourselves.


the cocollona is literally a mod tourist trap creation, if this turns out its real i will find information technology extremely hilarious that gamefreak got duped by the catalonians like how they fooled the tourist world into giving them gibs to "complete the sagrada familia", the fuckers had a maxim on the same level of "when the pigs fly" virtually that affair getting finished, and they would have kept using it if the pope didn't tell them that unless they end before long that thing will never be recognized every bit a cathedral or something, god damned professional person con artists... props to them.




its all the same a thing that exists.


practise you lot think that people can't con people out of their money with at thing that exist?


The art style is dead on to modern Pokemon. More than abstractly, it too nails the modernistic Game Freak design philosophy of being worse than what came before information technology; this fucker makes Incineroar and Galar anthro jobmons expect like 10/ten honey classics. Other posters raise points questioning the validity of the art book style presentation, and while I call up they brand sense, I besides think information technology also feels like coping, because nosotros're all hoping that faggot crocodile and his big gay "haaaaay guyyyyyyyz" mouth is but a cruel joke. I likewise am desperate for this non to be real but it's 2022 and all forms of entertainment are in decline.
And to think: Gen ten is going to be even shittier.


Information technology just had to exist a monday...


Did you actually expect Fuecoco to evolve into something intimidating?


>[Affair] is possibly real
>Therefore [thing] is definitely real


im hyped for it alienating people like you


Is information technology real, anon reading this? I need to make some screencaps.


Faecoco is real
Arakujin is real
Pineapple Oddish and Gloom are real
Screencap this


Mega Swampert's reference sheet doesn't have a coloured dorsum view either


The numbers are color hexcodes, Which Gamefreak doesn't utilise on their ref sheets. They seem to have their own internal system for colors


On the duck at least.


Holy fucking based


None of them make sense, hence why they're all fake.
No matter the quality, the context of them makes no sense given the timing.
Faecoco has TL notes as if for an artbook which they haven't done for the Pokemon for 3 years (all of Gen viii had Trainer concepts in the artbooks but non the Pokemon) and they wouldn't be sending this shit out for translation at this point anyways.
And the 3D stuff makes no sense at all equally there's no way in hell they'd let anyone with any possible camera almost the game even in a playtesting setup like the Affleck Leak had. The Affleck leak being a whole Calendar month later than this stuff has been.

It's all only too early for things of this scale to be anywhere well-nigh leaking. Information technology's non just that there's no precident, it just doesn't make sense in how product works.


saving this post for posterity


the details are so wildly inconsistent, it's inexplainable how many fell for this


Really makes me wonder why the fuck Braixen and Delphox weren't /fairy also


Psychic is Magic-type.


>The fable says that on the banks of the Onyar river, in the Mercadal neighborhood, in that location was a convent of nuns who weren't very devoted and that carried a messy life. Between them, there was a novice with a veritable religious vocation that complained near the life they carried.

>The other nuns didn't want to hear her reproaches, and then they locked her within a cell in the basement of the convent. She stayed there for years and due to the darkness and humidity, some scales started to come out until she became a crocodile. Thanks to the sanctity and purity of her soul, very beautiful butterfly wings began to grow in her back, transforming her into a "Cocollona", one-half crocodile (cocodril in Catalan), half butterfly (papallona in Catalan).

>After she died, her ghost was seen pond the Onyar river, very shut to where she was imprisoned. The fable says that only on full moon nights, towards dawn, those sensitive souls could see the ghost of Cocollona swimming down the river until the starting time rays of low-cal came out.


Ok furfag


honestly non a bad idea if information technology wasn't and then expensive
unless fees are lower nowadays
would cause a funny shitstorm, either way


this is actually real




False leakers love attention. If this were ane of those then they'd exist pumping out the the fakes afterwards then many people went nuts over this ane.


They like the social reaction, but I can't recall many cases where there was a notable leak with a known creative person who kept making faux leaks otherwise
Japanese artists are too known to freak the fuck out whenever they get attending, positive or negative


No, but due to the wings
It'south a winged lizard, aka a dragon
The zodiac theory never stated that repeats of previous entries are forbidden



Extremely fake for several inconsistencies.

1) Grapheme reference sheets always show multiple directions (not merely front side, even if information technology does prove above)

2) If any parts are obscured, it shows them unobscured elsewhere (left center, the base of the tail)

3) The cervix and body proportions seem to become mixed around a scrap with information technology becoming thicker on the Normal state, flap flap, and sleep

four) Where's the small notes that indicate proper shape of features? Such as tip of the tail not being a point, but beingness a curve, or the fly layering, or snout width from the front?

This is all stuff that's get standard for 3D era character sheets to help ensure the 3D modelers not just model it accurately, but also give it the right animations to show personality.

Lastly, in that location's a sure fakemon artist I retrieve that's feels like this style all over the place. I just forget their name right now


>Information technology's a winged cadger, aka a dragon
behold, a dragon!


I'm sure it was made by startboy due he always slaps faggot themes to its drawings (just think the gay dolphin anybody hates), or by elite 4, considering that's how their ref sheets looks similar. But don't waste your time asking them if they made it because they'll say no of course.


>Chinese dragons

Fuck y'all and fuck your revisionism


Fake, Eyelash is in the wrong place >>50325073


That one scream "real" to me so far.


>serpent like
Hmm I'm sensing something to practise with Aztecs maybe


Then what the fuck was Charmander supposed to exist


is this supposed to be its first stage or final stage?


don't reply to tripfags


Gender difference :/


Information technology's totally based on regional folklore just like how no starter from whatsoever other region ever has been before


We didn't have starters directly tied to a specific region until SWSH, which was followed by the regionals in PLA. There'south definitely a chance this will be a new normal, for better and for worse.


The rabbit is the only ane fifty-fifty vaguely related and even then not actually, a soccer player fits in with the majority of poor countries like europe


False Fake FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Faux Simulated Imitation FAKE FAKE Faux FAKEFAKE Imitation FAKE Simulated Fake Imitation Fake FAKE Imitation False FAKE FAKE Imitation FAKEFAKE FAKE False Faux Imitation FAKE FAKE Fake False FAKE Faux FAKE False FAKEFAKE False False FAKE Fake Fake FAKE False Faux Faux FAKE FAKE Imitation FAKEFAKE Faux False Fake FAKE Imitation Simulated FAKE Fake FAKE FAKE FAKE Faux FAKEFAKE Faux FAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE Simulated FAKE False Faux FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKEFAKE Imitation False Imitation FAKE Faux Fake False Simulated FAKE Simulated Fake Faux FAKEFAKE FAKE Fake FAKE Simulated Simulated Simulated Imitation Imitation FAKE False FAKE FAKE FAKEFAKE FAKE Fake Fake Faux FAKE FAKE Fake FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKEFAKE Fake Imitation Fake Simulated Imitation FAKE FAKE FAKE Simulated Simulated False Faux FAKEFAKE False Fake FAKE Imitation Fake Imitation FAKE Fake Fake Fake False FAKE FAKEFAKE Imitation FAKE FAKE Fake FAKE FAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKE FAKE Imitation FAKEFAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Fake FAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKEFAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Simulated False Simulated Simulated Faux FAKE FAKE FAKE Fake FAKEFAKE FAKE FAKE Simulated False Fake False Imitation FAKE Simulated FAKE Imitation FAKE FAKEFAKE FAKE False Fake FAKE Imitation FAKE Imitation Simulated FAKE Faux FAKE Simulated FAKEFAKE Simulated Imitation FAKE False FAKE Faux FAKE FAKE False Faux FAKE FAKE FAKEFAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Faux Faux FAKE FAKEFAKE Fake False FAKE Simulated FAKE Imitation False Fake FAKE FAKE Faux FAKE FAKEFAKE Imitation Imitation Faux Simulated FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Fake FAKE FAKE FAKEFAKE Imitation FAKE Imitation Simulated Faux False False FAKE Imitation FAKE FAKE Faux FAKEFAKE FAKE FAKE Faux FAKE Imitation FAKE Imitation FAKE Imitation Fake FAKE Imitation FAKEFAKE Faux FAKE Fake FAKE FAKE Fake False Faux FAKE False FAKE Fake FAKEFAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Imitation FAKE FAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKE Fake Fake FAKEFAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE False FAKE FAKE Faux FAKE Fake FAKE Simulated FAKEFAKE FAKE Imitation Faux FAKE FAKE False FAKE False Faux False Fake Simulated FAKEFAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Simulated Faux FAKE Faux FAKE FAKE FAKE Imitation FAKE FAKEFAKE Imitation Faux FAKE Fake FAKE FAKE Simulated FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Imitation FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE Imitation FAKE Imitation FAKE FAKE False


Very few fakes ever get deconfirmed until the bodily designs drib, anon.
Non everyone is gonna come out and say they're the ones who fabricated this stuff, probably to go on everyone in doubt.


as well a dragon



This, but real


Charizard isnt a chinese dragon either
From the very showtime the theory was based on the idea that western dragons work


Source: https://boards.4channel.org/vp/thread/50325073/its-been-about-a-week-now-and-this-still-has-yet

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